Web Dev. Portal
Project 1: An interactive narrative
Project 2: Data-driven web application
Project 3: React single-page web app
Weekly Mood Visualizer
Goal: An web-based mood visualizer helps user understand how their mood fluctuates during a week.
Outcome: Weekly Mood Visualizer
Mozilla Worldwide Tech Level Survey
Goal: A visualization project using Mozilla Tech Survey dataset to discover how people's tech levels and geolocation influence their perception of technology in the form of a Map, Coordinated Sunburst Chart, HeatMap, Bipartite graph.
Outcome: Impact of Tech Level & Geolocation on Human Tech Perception Visualization
NCWIT: Female Enrollment in Tech Majors
Goal: A Spatial-Temporal visualization project using NCWIT dataset comparing female and male enrollment in technology majors from different facets in the form of Line Chart, Grouped Bar Chart, Donut Chart, Sunburst Chart.
Outcome: Female vs. Male Tech Majors Enrollment Visualization
Baby Face
Goal: Design & Developed an app for children education
Outcome: Derived idea from childhood Barbie doll dress-up game. An Android app for children to learn and play with different ethnic dressing styles by coupling different pieces of body together
Panda Face
Goal: Design & Developed an app using external library
Outcome: An Android app using Google Mobile Vision library enabling face detection and recognition, mapping the most similar panda emoji with the user's facial expression.
Code Ninja
Goal: Design & develop an accessible game that is accessible to people with diverse needs.
Outcome: Code Ninja